This is from when i went to New York, and it is funny because i remembered taking it and now that i went back and looked at it again i noticed so many more things about it. It like the way they integrated the type into the American flag, although it is illegible it is more tastefully done then alot of other graffiti. It really show that American spirit and that a tragedy can inspire and affect everyone including those who like to create graffiti, i think it is beautiful and well done.
The dimension that the flag has in this piece is really cool as well as how big the entire piece is. usually they are quicker and smaller because you aren't supposed to do it. I like how the artist put the two twin towers in the blue part of the flag and how that area with the stripes is all overlapped with other graffiti, but not the blue part. It shows that people have a respect for that were lost in 9-11 and American pride.
This is so crazy! It looks like it was done in illustrator. The way the artist did the drop shadows on the type is beautiful. Graffiti artists got skills!!! And how do they work on such large canvases like this. This must have taken weeks! They must have been allowed to do this, because there is not way he could have done such a finished illustration without getting caught.
I really like this one because there is a sense of pride. Which is a little different because a lot of times the intentions of graffiti are more about showing off one's own talents instead of taking pride in something else and I feel this concentrates more on the pride of a country and what makes it special and unique then what makes one person or individual special and unique. also as you pointed out it is integrated in a nice way with the flag and at the same time it's all very representational of its setting and culture. the freeness of it is the coolest part. the abiltiy of the artist to be free in what they are doing and then what the American flag means and represents, which is that freedom. I love it, more and more even.
Yah I really like this one too. It seems like very tastful graffiti. I really like how it takes up a whole wall and all the effects to the type and how it has a 3D feeling. This looks like very well planed out graffiti, less spontanious than some other examples are
Im always amazed at how realistic graffiti can be. What I mean is, when I usually think of graffiti I think of something done quickly to make a statement. But this piece proves that there is graffiti out there qualifiable for high art.
This is very eye-catching. I like the use of the flag.. I think that is what drew my eye. I agree with Polly... this must have taken forever... its like the artists probably camped over night here and worked on this until it was finished. This is surprising it is finished because most graffiti is unfinished.
this example really is speaking a message and unlike most graffiti, more people understand the message just from the colors and the design of it..i like how the letters are subtly placed in the moving american flag. they are slightly hidden which makes me wonder what they are REALLY trying to say and what the message really is...chances are they are talking bad stuff about the american government but who knows
You could tell that there was so much time and effort put into this! The thought process behind it, as well, seemed like it might have taken a while. This is very well done and shows off this artist's talent and patience.
It's so funny how, "icequeen" posted something a few weeks ago that used the american flag in the type and we ripped it apart. But now, because this isn't suppose to be legible and/or seen as actual art we praise it. It's just funny how similar pieces can get totally different responses. But I agree there is a sense of pride because it's hand drawn and very much related to the people of America. It really is a work of art.
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