this is one of my favorite books,and one i had to stare at for so long because it was part of my training . i really dont appreciate the colors and the way the type was displayed on the cover of the book. there is a highligh on the word master plan but the gfotn just looks tacky and doesnt go along with the other types in the boo. the letters of name of the author seem deformed or stretched and their positioning really disturbs me....the whole cover seems confusing to me. i would love to see this simplified , so the message comes out better.
Luiz, I totally agree with you. This cover is very cheesy, from the colors to the typefaces it screams bad design. You can tell that they wanted to fill up the space with the title and the author. The designers should have taken Ballard's class because they would have learned how the way you use blank space is just as important how you use type and image.
Such a serious title of a book needs a sophisticated cover, which clearly is not what happened for this book. I would think a nice clean Helvetica or roman type would work much better, and the bright colors are not purposeful. This goes to show that you might judge a book if it has such a bad cover like this one!!
I agree, i think there are so many other successful things they could have done with this cover. It looks to chaotic and makes me judge it by its cover, even though you arent supposed to. There are too many colors and things going on.
o jeeze. can you say 80/90s graphics. It's like someone just got the first edition of a computer and they had to do/use everything it has to offer.
out of control and without any purpose. I have to ask, where are you taking me?
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