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Cosmetics fit for the 50's?

Walking through the cosmetic part of any department store Benefit definitely stands out from the rest. With it's unique 50's style packaging, it sets it apart. Seeing how the 50's are known for having the stereotypical house wives that must look beautiful all the time, doesn't it seem right that a cosmetic company uses this era for advertising? The packaging definitely sold me, I saw it and then saw that they sold shower caps, and what did my grandma get for Christmas? A 50's inspired shower cap; something she can relate to.
The photography that benefit uses is definitely 50's inspired. There typography is not necessarily inspired from the 50's, but it contrasts well and makes the product relatable to people from the 50's as well as people from younger generations.
The 50's definitely had such a fun and carefree way with type. I find it interesting that designers constantly used a script typeface, which was supposed to add flair and beauty to the products that they were used for, thus appealing the typical woman who wanted to look pretty herself. It's also fascinating that this type of design still appeals to young people today since they would also buy the product for the same reasons. Nice job on this packaging...I think it's quite fashionable!
I have always loved Benefit's packaging. It really tends to stand out from anything else on the market. Although the type used at the top of the one tube is not really all that common in the 50's... they really used a lot of cursive handwritten fonts, but it works.
i agree that the 50's look for a package design defiantly stands out from all the other products because these days, many companies want to look sleek and modern and clean. it is smart for people our age who really like the 50's look because they love their pearls and can relate to that time but also, it can work for an older crowd of shoppers because they lived through that time and they were probably at their peak in life, looks wise, and want to be youthful again.
i really enjoy what was done with the design in this porduct, a really fun idea of introducing the old style of cosmetics and combining it with the modern craft. you definetly get this idea of the 50's or just old advertisments you would see somewhere.
it is a such a generic type of look of that time , which i really enjoy.
I really enjoy benefit's unique style as well. It almost looks like the image is done in a sketchy watercolor, along with the black title of the product! Its style sets it apart from the other cosmetic products!
From the style of clothing and the sunglasses to the blush on the face, the colors and the type this is obviously a take off on a 50's ad. It uses the 50's style well in that is it simple and to the point.
I think the image pulls in a 50s feel and the use of the speech bubble seems 50s. The slanted script type also give it a 50s influence.
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