Tuesday, February 26, 2008

fo sho

Wow, so this is actually one of the graffiti's that I could actually read. Most graffiti that I've seen on the street and what not, I've always thought to myself, "What in the heck does that say, and what does it mean?!" But this one is actually a legible one. Graffiti definitely shows art in a different way, in represents the culture and the lifestyle. In this one, the use of positive and negative really stood out to me. That even a very low art, uses commonly used elements of high art. It even slightly reminds me of our self-portrait assignments because it takes the first word ("kill") and puts it in a unique position. Instead of just putting on top of the word, or right above it, the artist puts it in the word making it one unite. Even though the message isn't very nice, it definitely shows the culture while also showing a fun piece of artwork.


pollypocket said...

I do enjoy the positive and negative shapes that stand out in this work. My favorite part is probably the design of the strokes that surround the letters. They almost look like the double strokes we use in illustrator.

MerBEAR said...

When I look at it I see mike maybe? I like the use of the strokes they give the type a neat effect. I also like the block and bulkyness of the letter forms. Even thouhg it might not be easily read it makes the viewer try and figure it out.

I'd Rather Be Baking said...

I agree and think that it is really neat that you can actually read this graffiti. I appreciate that they kept it simple and stuck with only two colors. I agree that this almost looks like something that could have been done in illustrator.

Craig J. said...

I agree, it does seem rare to be able to actually read a work of graffiti, but it's nice to actually be able to read this. Although its not the most positive of messages that you'd want to read, its still interesting. The way the handled the type is very nice, and the "K" in "Mike" is different, but it still works.