I like the subsitution used in this Capri Sun container. The palm tree used as an I pulls in a topical feel relating to the flavor of capri sun. I think I would like the other type better if a different treatment had been done to Capri Sun the use of all caps and an outline make it appear more cheesy.
Considering the audience is usually children, I think that this design is alright. They did a good job of type placement, that could not have been easy with such an awkward shaped package. The palm tree was done well, if it were any bigger it would have been distracting, but since it is quite small and almost unnoticeable, I do not mind it.
I would agree with you, the use of the palm tree is very nice. I have never noticed it before and I think that's a sign of good typography, when something is so well incorporated that the viewer doesn't even notice it. I also think that for the audience (little kids) the use of all caps for the logo is appropriate. Kids just want to see CAPRI SUN, and then they scream, right? Or I guess that's what the designer was expecting by putting it right in your face.
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