I think this "advertisement" was done very well in that it was inspired by 50's advertisement, but it is created using a san serif font. The headlining script type is on an angle which is dynamic and catches your eye. The design also uses a retro color scheme which also ties the whole motif together.
This ad is great because at first I see 50's, from the typeface and style of the piece, but there is something about it that makes it very modern and you just know that it is a tribute to the 50's, and not actually from that era. The diagonals and type placement ad to the contemporary look of the ad.
I agree this add does have a very 50s feel, I think it was very well done and the angles grab your attention. I like the use of circles behind the text.
This ad is pretty funny... pretty typical exaggeration (the before and after picture) that they would use in the 50's ads. The typeface used also really reflects the 50's era but at the same time reflects the modernness of today's typography.
this is another great example of old school advertisment being brought back for current ads. You defiently get that feeling due to the colour and the images and also how the text is disposed , specially the angles.
the colors and the the type face used for the miracle diet are very 50's. i think the very untrue exaggeration also represents the 50's..i think in that time, they were so focused on being perfect that even an advertisement like that would be believable to the consumer.
I like this ad because it is so much better done then the other "diet" ads. I think the exaggeration is quit humorous myself. I also agree that is has modern/50's feel the colors type and picture are from the 50's time period but i think the layout is more modern.
This ad screams 50's. From the colors to the type. Even they splatter/abstract star burst thing in the background. It catches the attention of the viewer too because it is from a different time period and stands out from the ads today.
I know this is a diet ad, but it's kind of humorous with the little illustration. but aside from that it is definitely a throw back to the fifties. No mistaking that. first the colors are a big supporting factor. the powdery color and then the script font. script font was huge it seems in the fifties. with those two thing going for it there's no mistaking the time period
Its true about the 50's motif. It's very much like something you'd see back in the 50s for like an Ovaltine ad or something. They did well in using the angled type to help draw in the viewer.
This ad is very 50s inspired. Even the color of the text resembles the 50s; the baby pink and teal. The script font also ads to the era. I would have to agree with everyone else about the angles, they are very eye catching!
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