Sunday, February 24, 2008

London Graffiti

Here is graffiti from London that I had from 2 years ago when I went. I like how anywhere you are can be a canvas and how you can put a message anywhere. There is alot of graffiti seen here but the main focus is put on Gaspacho is not tomato soup. Im not sure if this has some secret gang meaning but it is very well made. I like the all caps used on GASPACHO and how the letter forms overlap. I also like the technique used for shadding behind the letter forms it creates a unique shape.


Georgia said...

That is really cool to see all of those different types of graffiti in one place. I agree that no matter where you go in the world there is graffiti like on the Berlin wall before it came down. This type of art is everywhere all around the world and that's what I love about it.

pollypocket said...

This is such a cool pic! I like how you can tell that every inch of that walkway/wall is covered in art. Once again, it looks like the "gaspacho is not tomato soup"was done in illustrator. It is so highly rendered and the color scheme works so well together. I also think the overlapping of the letters makes this art unique!

Unknown said...

This is hysterical. I really really love this graffiti, because not only is it legible, it's got humor to it as well.

anits said...

There is so much graffiti on these walls and I really like the fact that the word "gaspacho soup" stands out. The color green looks completely crisp and clear, so that's probably why it stands out so well. Its really interesting that you had this picture from London.. it came in perfect use!

Ebee said...

i really like all of the different forms in this. It is cool how they are all messed together, it is a neat type of art.

little cody. said...

i love this example. amongst the craziness of the other wall art, this really stands out! and its funny, which really helps. the bright, bold colors really help enhance the hierarchy.

Craig J. said...

I really enjoy the vibrancy of the colors, and how it really stands out from the clutter of the background graffiti. The artist knew what he/she wanted and achieved it well. The crispness if it, at least in this photo amazes me.