Tuesday, February 19, 2008

NECK FACE is a great name for a metal band

I found this art in New York, this last weekend.  I thought it was really neat because it has imagery inside the text, instead of integrating text within a picture.  I reminded me of a "welcome to" postcard.


Bethany said...

this is, 'so cool.' and as you pointed out most of the time type is integrated into the image so it's cool to see the image integrated into the type instead. and it does look like a welcome to.. postcard or something.

I'd Rather Be Baking said...

It really does look like a post card from somewhere like florida or hawaii. I like how the artist took that idea and used it in his graffiti. Its really interesting to see people using ideas from one thing in something totally different and unexpected.

Georgia said...

This is a really cool graffiti. You're right it does look like the front of a postcard to some tropical place. You usually don't see pictures inside of letters for graffiti so I think that this is a unique and different approach to that stye of art.

MerBEAR said...

Yah this is really well done graffiti I like the picture integrated into the type it really grabs your attention to look at it. It's also very legible and easy to read. I also like the scale of how large it is.

anits said...

How funny... I have a postcard right above my desk from Cali and it is done in that exact technique. So I definitely agree this was like made for a postcard. It's like they worked in Photoshop to integrate the imagery. It almost looks like a purposeful murial. This is also a pretty different approach to anything else I've ever seen on the streets, but then again that is NY.

Sarah Reed said...

Wow, this is definitely an interesting kind of graffiti-most examples I can find in the city have the typical illegible lettering, but this one has a legible, realistic and 3-dimensional quality that makes it stand out! The pictures in the letters really jump out at you because of the depth, especially the figure that is poking its head out of the letter I.