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I though Starbucks had good design...
Okay so every time I see this at Starbucks I can't STAND it! Seriously. It's relating a serious message, in an amateur, almost kidish font. Most public signs are in a sans serif, usually helvetica, and very structured, so no one can read into the message rather just read the message as it is. But this sign doesn't get the point across at all! Instead I read the message and think to myself, okay so Starbucks is a smoke-free place but it's actually a cool thingto do. It's sad that through a font you can read that much into a sign, but it's true. And it makes me a little upset because Starbucks has such great designs when it comes to their products, but when it comes to their consumers health, they could almost care less, but rather throw together a sign that shows that they are "hip".
Good comments!
wow, yeah. I totally agree. I can't believe that the font has no relation to any of Starbucks' already existing, almost iconic font, or color scheme. It seems so juvenile compared to the upscale character of the rest of the cafe.
I've actually seen this sign quite a few times before, and in fact the first time I saw it was before learning so much about type, and before my mind was starting to get trained to look at these things, and your comments are what ran through my head when I saw it. I thought it was very immature and inappropriate to the sign. I almost thought it was a joke! It didn't want to take it seriously at all.
I agree that this is very poorly done. I wonder who chose to set the kid-ish typeface and I wonder what their explanation was for their decision. When reading it, it almost looks like a fake sign because of its froo froo frilly feeling. I agree that it should have been set in Helvetica because then everyone would take it seriously. I always link no parking signs and no smoking signs together, but with this sign their is no resemblance.
I totally agree. I have never seen this put it is trying to convey a serious message yet attracts more to a kid audience. Starbucks usually has very classy timeless designs that are sophicated and this definatly does not fit in with there usual designs.
It seems like Starbucks use two totally different for this horribly annoying sign (with such perky type that's unsuitable for a serious message) and one for their stylish, classy identity (logo, package design, etc)...which makes me think, is it possible to use more than one design firm for your company? I just don't understand how the same design firm could create two completely different designs for Starbucks!
That sign is ridiculous! You are totally right because of the font, it is going to make kids and people want to smoke more because they think it is cool, rather than give it a more serious effect. Also, I don't understand why they didn't use their signature font and colors if they were going to change a government sign anyway, they might as well made it go better with Starbucks.
Totally agree. This sign would make me laugh and walk away.. it's not serious looking at all. I always thought Starbucks had a great design team, and for them to put a sign out like this is a disgrace to corporate. Maybe the designer thought it would catch people's attention by making the typeface fun, but what it did was deter people.
It looks hand done and not very professional which is not normal for starbucks. It doesnt have good type, color, or layout.
this really does just feel thrown together. and it's kind of surprising because I genuinely like their normal designs. and because of that it makes this stand out even more as being such a poor design.
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