Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Get it Big!

fo sho

in the hood.
Monday, February 25, 2008

Deep Ellum

So I decided to go to Deep Ellum where they supposedly have great examples of urban art. Far from the truth... most of it was actually painted over. I thought it was pretty sad to tell you the truth. I thought this example was the most interesting because of mural behind the type. It was bright and colorful, the urban art itself was more subdued--which compliments the mural. Not really sure what exactly the the urban art says... it actually looks incomplete. I think the way the letters are darker underneath gives nice depth to the walls. The type bounced off the wall as I approached it. In case you guys don't know the specifics of Deep Ellum.. here are some facts from the Dallas Convention and Visitors Bureau: Deep Ellum is an entertainment and arts district on Elm Street east of downtown Dallas in Dallas County. The area was settled as a "freedmens' town" by former slaves after the Civil War; its location on Elm Street, just east of the Houston and Texas Central tracks near the depot, was too far from downtown Dallas to be desirable. The area was called Deep Elm or, as early residents pronounced it, "Deep Ellum". Because of the proximity of the railroad, it was also called Central Track. But anyways.. this place was known at one time to have an enormous amount of urban art... it was the people's way of expressing themselves when they didn't have a lot of money.
I found this graffiti on the side of a train car. I thought that the font was really cool looking the way the letters fit together and how the tail o the "R" extends out farther than usual. Also, The colors go so well together because they are complementary. But how they outlined every letter in the lighter green gives it a really interesting layered effect. I also like the red around the letters and how it turns into bubbles. Overall, really cool looking and I wish that I could do that with a can of spray paint.

Blackletter's comeback...in Mexican graffiti!
Even though this typeface called Blackletter was associated with Nazi propaganda, it's making a comeback in all types of markets in order to bring an "edgy vibe" to the type. Here it's used in Mexican graffiti, which is interesting considering the fact that I used Juicy Couture as an earlier example with Blackletter as its choice of typeface. In this case, I think this typeface shows the diversity and vivacity of Mexican culture. I tend to find that Mexican culture uses lots of bright colors too in their art, so this artistic design obviously captures the heart of the culture. It's also interesting that such a typeface can act differently in certain contexts...this meaning of expressing Mexican culture is entirely different from Nazi and Juicy Couture's meanings..
Sunday, February 24, 2008
London Graffiti

Friday, February 22, 2008
Thursday, February 21, 2008

I have no idea what this says, but i love it. You know sometimes I think we just have to break out and be inspired. I love graffiti because I feel it's not there to please anybody else but the atist who makes it (for the most part), and as graphic designers most of, if not all of what we do is picked apart and all about making somebody else happy. We have clients that we have to please. So for me graffiti is so freeing. This doesn't makes sense in legibility or readability, but I feel like I get it, or I'm at least able to take it the way I want. It's free and it's fun and it represents the culture that many of us don't fully understand. In this particular piece I love the extreme movement and passionate colors. Whoever is the artist was fully committed to this piece and there was no turing back. I love the passion in that. and from that I feel it's what you make of it.

this was a interesting type graffiti , it was interesting to see that from close it really just looked like a normal graffiti but when you stood away there was like a motion to it , the letter seem like they are wabbling , or shaking . there is this liquid aspect to the font also just because of the colours in the back aswell and the several layers on the piece. there is an interesting light on the side, like a light shadow.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
NECK FACE is a great name for a metal band

great book , crappy type

this is one of my favorite books,and one i had to stare at for so long because it was part of my training . i really dont appreciate the colors and the way the type was displayed on the cover of the book. there is a highligh on the word master plan but the gfotn just looks tacky and doesnt go along with the other types in the boo. the letters of name of the author seem deformed or stretched and their positioning really disturbs me....the whole cover seems confusing to me. i would love to see this simplified , so the message comes out better.
I though Starbucks had good design...

Monday, February 18, 2008
Not actually the king.

Ok so I don't know exactly why but I hate the Smoothie King logo. i don't like the color combination. It makes me think of all of the fast food restaurants like Wendy's and McDonald's, and I mean do you really want to be compared to those when you are trying to sell a healthy smoothie? I think not. Also I don't get why smoothie is slightly slanted and king is not. I just think that's weird because it doesn't look intentional it looks to me almost like they messed up or did something wrong. I don't know i could just be my eyes playing trick son me. And Lastly, I know that they have king in their name but really and crown on the "I," could they be any less original. They sell smoothies, there are plenty of fruits or other symbols that they could have incorporated into their logo besides a crown. Or if they really want to use the crown then at least put it in a more unique place with in the logo.
Everytime I sit on the toilet

back to shcool..... back to shcool

Too illegible means too patriotic!

This is the outdoor sign for a store that appears a little too patriotic. Yes, I am a proud American, but this sign doesn't appeal to me at all. It is entirely too illegible due to their incorporation of the American flag in a bold type along with a thick blue outline that surrounds each letter, which is spaced way too far from the interior form. This makes the sign almost impossible to read from far away!! Plus, the letters having no spaces between each other, making the words even more illegible. The designers of this sign still could have gotten the patriotic style across without going overboard on the flag idea; perhaps a little contrast would have worked, such as a combination of all-cap, bold Century Schoolbook type (like what they have) for "America" and a nice script for "God Bless"? A little red, white and blue could be used too, but just the phrase "God Bless America" itself is patriotic enough to get the message across.
Mexican't You Spell?

Gold Medal for Worst Design

I know we talked about this design at the beginning of the semester, but since then I have seen it a lot more, which I think is a complete shame. This is definitely a pieces that has us all saying "WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?!" Right off the bat, it's illegible. The viewere is left wondering what exactly is going on, and not in a good way. There are some designs that may be a little off to try and spark the viewers curiousity and invite them to look longer to see the clever solution. This has no clever solution. As a viewer you are dissapointed after sticking around and trying to figure it out because it doesn't work and only leaves you scratching your head. I understand trying to make it more modern and flashy to get your attention, but they can't tell us this was the only way to go about it. some very simple solutions would be to: at least make the two "2's" match (since they don't match we wonder if they are bother "2s"), either don't make the zero so jagged so we know it's a zero and the olympic symbol is the cut out or actually make a hole in the zero (we need somthing to link it to the normal form of a zero), and make the one straight because since everything is mis-shapen right now it could be intrerpretted at a one or a seven. Obvioulsy it needs more help than that, but those suggestions would be a start.
how can I "have a nice day" when you are ugly
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
i'm naked
Frostie Fun
I couldn't resist posting this bottle made by "Frostie". I found it at Central Market, where you can find some of the most interesting packaging designs done by obscure but wonderful companies. I really appreciate the typeface of the word "Frostie"; the angled baseline, bubble-like letters with snow resting on top them and funny image of an eskimo (perhaps?) add to the product's uniqueness and fun character. It is weird to see the word in combination with "cherry limeade", which contrastingly is made up of more tropical colors and square letters. However, I still find the bottle quite cute, and that's the reason why it caught my eye in the store.
I thought that this bottle was really cool because of the use of the monkey which is actually a little bit 3D and wraps around the bottle s well as the name of the drink being raised. They are both in gold which draws your eye to them. In addition to the monkey, the name being in a curvy font adds a sense of fun to the bottle.
mmm water!

Monday, February 11, 2008
Little Apple Sun???

A little more than Lemon and Lime
When trying to think of what beverage to use I wasn't sure, but it came down to the one I know the best. I probably have a sprite about once a day. Not on purpose, it just happens that way. So, on to the logo and type. This one is interesting in that it was redone within the past two years or earlier. About that time there were a lot of companies that were revamping their logos (like doritos, sunchips, pepsi, etc.) and sprite, a coca-cola brand, did the same. It's a much more modern look. But what I like about it is it's crisp, clean, fresh look which I feel represents the product well. Not too complicated and kind of simple but still enjoyable. The logo represents the 'lemon-lime' part of the drink and the 'sprite' type is crisp and clean. I really like the freshness and simplicity of it all. The first time I saw it after is was updated I wasn't too sure, but it's definitely grown on me.

I love the taste of Fresca it is my soft drink of choice. So when i was looking for a beverage container i turned to my favorite and never really noticed that it is actually one of my favorite can designs. I like the use of colors i think they work well together and i also really like the circle design it makes a good contrast to the vertical cylindrical shape of the can. i also like the range of sizes that they use for their circle design and the that it is in negative form in the background. I think the font contrasts well with the designs.
coke is much better than pepsi

Imported drinks = imported design
i chose the arizona tea bottle just because i believe it is one of great design. they did a great job in making the bottle have a very oriental look. the ornamnets on the bottle almost give a hand crafted look to it and the colours and lines are as if they were individually painted on the bottle. the letter contain gold again going to the theme of asia and richness. the design is more thematic and really works well, it gives this idea of tea and asiatic culture . the design really separates from the other teas on the shelf , it almost imposes itself as a higher quality drink just by the look and design.
Smart design! Smartwater!

Here's a little bubbly: Pink Champagne

I used this beverage container because it stood out to me way before I even bought the bottle at a local store. I saw this at one of my friend's house and immediately I was drawn to the "pinkness" of it. The label is very simple with just pink text, but somehow that makes a statement itself. When I bought this, I actually thought it was a rose champagne... which I've been told not to drink too much of. But it actually is a sparkling blend of Pinot Noir and Chardonnay from South Eastern Australia. It displays strawberry aromas and refreshing fruit flavors of sweet berry & lime (according to their website). I like the handwritten effect on the name "Pink" as well as the smaller type for the name of the company. It's nice that this company did a sans serif variation for the small text... other wise it would have been too much with the entire label composed in a handwritten font. I also like the fact that they carried over the pink color to the back of the bottle.. this really carries out the brand. Although, I do kind of think that the bar code in pink is a little overbearing. One thing that I would have liked to see this company try is to use a nice white paper label rather than a clear one.. just an idea.
Starbucks' Classy Look
Many coffee companies have tried to capture the same classic, stylish look of Starbucks' logo, but it's hard to emulate and surpass one such an identity. You can always tell a Starbucks cup from far away because of their simple white cups with the black and green logo with plain white text. The actual san-serif typeface isn't that interesting, but it's simple and recognizable to everyone. I also love their cups for their "The Way I See It" campaign on the back of the cups. It's a clever idea to have a number of different quotes from "stylish" and popular people around the world, and I actually look forward to seeing which quote I get every time I order a drink. It's interesting they chose a serif typeface for the text, but it still keeps to the Starbucks style. I'm also a big fan of their red cups they come out with during Christmas time; the design (which includes both the illustrations and the text on the cups) has a sense of delight that mimics the holiday season cheer and makes me full of exuberance!
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Capri Sun

Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Krispy Kreme throwback

Monday, February 4, 2008
IMPACT type makes an impact in the '60s

I chose these two posters because they are both from the 60's era... and they both use a variation of the "Impact" typeface. I wanted to show how popular this typeface has become to illustrate a message to the public. Impact is still widely used today. I thought the color usage in the Olympic poster really represents the time period... and it goes well with the typeface. The second poster uses just black and white which matches the simplicity and boldness of the typeface. Using Impact basically makes the posters speak for themselves. There is just not that much else going on as far as clipart goes... which is a good thing. Like I said the type speaks for itself.
"Birt of Venus"