I believe the body copy in this article is working extremely well. There is not too much type on the page and it is separated into two columns. The beautiful drop-cap R gives the viewer a good starting point. My favorite thing is how the body type interacts with the title, "Spice Girl" which is in the center of the article. Not only does it make the viewer want to read the copy around it, but it is also not first in the hierarchy, which is incredibly unique.
very fitting layout for this kind of magazine and for Rachel Ray. It catches her fun an playful personality but at the same time mimics some styles that the fashion magazines do rather than sticking with the usual cooking magazines. Which as we know is what she does in her cooking.
I like the playful ness too. They do a good job by breaking up the type with the title Spice Girl. They also do a good job breaking it up with that sidebar element that gets cut off on the right
I agree that this layout fits the fun topic and picture of Rachel Ray. I like the fact that the drop letter and brackets found in the pull quote emulate the same pink hue found in Rachel's dress. I also think the "Spice Girl" title works nicely; it's one of the few article titles that doesn't need to be emphasized as much since the image already conveys the topic of the article.
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