I am such a list maker. I probably make thousands of lists telling me what I have to do, etc. So when I found these really neat pads I was obviously excited! The typography on the list pads is so classically done and not too overpowering, so that what you fill in is still what is most dominant. The color choice was very classic with just two different shades of blue with a white background. I appreciate their sense of hierarchy. For instance, 7 DAYS A WEEK is not only the largest, but in all caps and so is every day of the week, but they are scaled back. Next in the hierarchy, the funny little check boxes for each day that say "survived monday, managed tuesday, back to the grind...." and then last in the hierarchy the quote at the bottom which says "Take it one checkbox at a time" They even have a small Month and Date spot by each day of the week so that you can fill in the actual date. The design, typography, and type placement was really thought out well.
I actually spotted this in a store this weekend and thought how convenient this list-maker would be! Because of the simple layout (dichromatic color scheme and plain type) and obvious scale of hierarchy, I could see how someone could keep on track of a list of things to do during the week.
I live off of lists. I forget almost everything if I don't write it down. Not to mention the little bit of satisfaction you get from crossing off what you have gotten done. I think that the colors and clean lines work well. And I also like that there is plenty of room to write stuff down.
i also love lists they make me feel better!! It has a great layout and i assume this would make me feel organized.
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