This editorial spread that I found in a magazine caught my eye quickly because of the clever layout. Although the body type isn't the strongest element in the layout, I still feel that it dynamically interacts with the title of the article and the author's name because of the way it takes the negative space of the black "O". To make the body type even stronger, I think it could have looked cool to have the type enclose the entire black "O" just like the black "O" is enclosing the title. I think this would be interesting because of the contrasting interaction going on with the ragged edges of the body type (imperfect) and the perfectly delineated line of the "O". In addition, I really enjoy the meaning behind the layout: containing the title plays off the idea of having a concept or plan. I also like how the author's name is tied into the name of the article by using the black "O" in his name to interact with the title. Overall, this designer has a good plan, too!
very interesting approach.
has a very modern look and I feel probably immitates the person being written about. catches your eyes and really invites you to put it all together.
I like how its all type but it doesnt overwhelem you because they use higharchy very well in making a dominate element with sub elements working together in a good design
I like the way the "O" is so much larger and circles the rest of the headline. I think that it works because the "O" is seen as a shape and also as a letterform so it doesn't take all of the attention from the piece. Also, i like how the body copy fits along side if the large "o". It helps to pull everything together.
this is really cool.. i agree with bethany.... very modern and i like it for that quality. It is very nice!
I agree, very modern and very inviting. Its interesting how the body type is so pushed back in the hierarchy. The large O is really overpowering and strong, but not in a negative way.
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