i used this from a design magazine for my computer graphics sketchbook. one thing that i really like about it was their choice of how they showed the body copy. i think the use of a flat image that is slightly off centered on the page helps grab the viewers eye and helps keep it new and different. i know whenever i see an editors note, i turn the page, but the fun look of the page acctually made me stop and read it. the color scheme and other images help add the contrast of the main message. having welcome in a larger, white type also helps bring your eye in because it has the most contrast throughout the page.
I really like how they incorperated the type into the illustration. It looks easy to read. I also like the use of colors in this.
i think that it is really interesting that the body copy is actually hanging off of (or on) the hanger. It is a unque way to draw your eye to the copy even though it is just in a simple box.
It's interesting that the designer used the same typeface for both the heading and body type. I like it as the heading, but the serifs in the typeface make the article a bit difficult to read, especially it being white on a black background. Perhaps a san-serif typeface would make legibility more clear? Otherwise, the leading, spacing, etc. work well.
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