I love Clinique, not only their products, but their design also. If I had not taken typography, I would not have noticed the elements that make this a well designed product. Firstly, the bold "C" they use for their logo is very striking and identifiable, and the placement & scale of the "C" on their products often draws the viewer's attention with its simplistic design. Another part of the design that I enjoy is the word "CLINIQUE" below the large "C". The typeface they chose is a very classy & elegant san serif, that has a beautiful diagonal stroke on the "Q", which is the only letterform that drops below the baseline. Clean and clever design!
I also think that the design is clean and classic. THere products are overly clutters with words and information and allows you to enjoy the design. THe large "c" catches my eye every time I see it because even though it is a bold vertical letter, having it narrow makes it appear thinner and more delicate.
I also find Clinique's design very attractive, and it's such an identifiable design with it's extra-large image of the "C". This makes it easy to identify a Clinique product! It's interesting though that the C is bold and heavy; I would think a company that emphasizes beauty would choose a lighter script-like type; however, I still think this design is classic and elegant.
I agree. I have always loved Clinique's clean design. I can always recognize it. The logo always catches the eye and the way the designers used a nice, clean sans serif to execute what the product is, is such a nice change. I'm so used to seeing cool beauty products.. but they all seem to use crazy type with crazy colors to execute what the product is.
I agree that this design is very classy. Clinique is very good about staying true to their identity, which I like. The bold C as their logo is nice and simple, yet it speaks loudly. All of the font flows nicely down the bottle very eloquently.
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