So i went home this weekend and i found an amazing new brand of mineral makeup that i fell in love with! It also has one of my favorite package designs i have ever seen. I really like the fact that she uses all lowercase i think it is very unique i also love the i she created to use as her logo. It is unique and very recognizable the type has a nice look and even though people use cursive hers has a unique flare almost as if it was hand written. I like the clean and classy look created by just using the gold and white. I also really enjoy the placement of everything it has great hierarchy and i love the way she cropped her i. Another cool thing is that it is on the top of all of the bottles and things and i really like that the side says her name. Basically i love the product and the packaging way to go jane iredale for being awesome.
I love the flourishes in the type which are found in the designer's name. I actually figured out how to get these sweeping characters on Illustrator and started using them in my projects because I loved the effect! I think they add such a sophisticated and beautiful flair to simple type, but they are not at all overpowering or distracting.
The placement, color, and cropping of the "i" is very beautifully done. It activates the negative space around it quite well and also acts as an underline to the rest of the type on the box.
my favorite aspect of the product design is that they use type to create the design and they used it in a nice and clean manner. a nice gold color is used to sort of mimic the "mineral" essence and it the letter form creates a very nice negative space with the white background.
I think its great that they used typography in replace of an image. The colors are really eloquent, which match the script typography. There is a lot on the package, but it is not overwhelming.
I think that the type is placed wonderfully. The cropping of the "i" really grabs your eye and moves it throughout the packaging. Also, the colors work really well and give you the sense of clean and simple.
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