she is the prime example of why you should never get a tattoo with some guys name on it. if yall didnt know she had to get it removed and proceeded to get a tat. of where her children were born ( i guess to remind herself). to me, its important to get a tattoo with something simple and meaningful and i think she achieved this. im not a fan of the sleeve look or lots of color. type SHOULD be the main element because personally, i think its easier to draw a picture of a bird then to write BIRD in a funky or very refined typeface. but then again, i know nothing about tattoos.
I agree that some of the more interesting tattoos are those that have the emphasis on type. I also think that you probably shouldn't get a persons name tattooed on you. But, that's just me.
oh the beauty of tattoos. Example one why it is so important to really think it out if you going to get a tattoo and just don't ever get the person you are dating tattood on your body. It's like asking for the relationship to go wrong and not everyone can afford to have it removed, and even if they cank, as we can see here it's not perfect. I guess to compensate for the horrible first decision it's kind of cool that she put the stuff about her kids on there. But I just think of how horrible her shoulder is going to look the older and older she gets.
eeek! I always get so annoyed when I see her tattoos... she is very pretty, and I don't understand why she destroys a perfectly good body with that tattoo. I guess the only thing I like about it is the spacing between the lines of type... typically you would have it closer.. but I like the alternative.
Even though I don't agree with getting permanent marks on the body, I have one idea about tattoos: the less amount of words, the better the overall look. Who would want to read all of the text on her arm? In order to read every single word, you would have to get really close to her. Wouldn't that be awkward if someone got that close to read the tattoo? I'd rather see a beautiful type treatment of just a couple words than this conglomeration of type and images (even though it's not meant to be that way since one of them is not supposed to be there!).
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