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Have a little faith
I thought this might be a little cheezy but after thinking about it I thought that my tattoo would be a prime example for me to post. Type on a body has a very big meaning because it will always be there for the rest of your life. With that being said the person getting the tattoo much be very trusting of the tattoo artist to work with typography on their body. For instance, two of my tattoos have type in them, and before the tattoo artist did them he was sure to ask me the exact spelling, the exact font, if I wanted curves to go right or left; everything had to be very precise. With this tattoo in particular, the curves and delicate lines explain the word without any definition. Having faith is something that is very intricate and personal and because of the many curves and italicised font the definition is portrayed. Also, the use of white ink helps in the definition, that faith is not always based on what you see, sometimes you see the results of having faith but most the time you just have to know it's their in order to really understand it.
This is sooo cool! It looks like you were born with it because of how well it works with your skin color. The script type is beautiful, and I enjoy the extra decorative strokes that come off of some of the stems!
I love this! its really well done, i think the choice of the font is really fitting for the word and the meaning of the tattoo which is awesome. i really like how they decorated it as well.... i must say this is one tattoo that i would get, and my favorite i have ever seen.
I also enjoy the elegance of the curves and how it depicts an image of faith. I also really like how it is in white ink because if it were in black I think it might of been to harsh for the word faith
i like your tattoo...the subtle color most of all because faith doesnt have to be out there for the world to see...its personal and your tattoo really represents that. the delicate lines of the type is very important to showing the meaning because faith is a soft, delicate aspect of peoples personality and outlook on life.
This tattoo is so great, in that, it is just so different and out of the ordinary. You rarely see tattoos that are done in white ink. I think that the white ink adds to the eloquentness of the lyrical typography. The typography is done beautifully.
I didn't know that you had that tattoo. You are sneaky. I think it is really well done and looks very elegant and beautiful. The tattoo explains the word with just the styling of the type. Also, I like that it was done in white ink cause it doesn't make it stand out to much which I think would take away meaning form the word.
Complete elegance is what comes to mind but what really brings it to that point is the choice in white ink. The elaborate details are gogeous and definitely make the tattoo what it is, but if it was in black I think it would scream out way too much and would many times just come across as this black blob, or really just stand out for that matter. Faith is a personal thing so by making it white it's not screaming it to the world but rather held close to you and is then something others get to enjoy when they actually pay attention to the details.
I agree with Polly... it does look like you were born with it. I really like the font choice because it it fits with the meaning of "faith." The decorative swirls at the bottom are a nice added touch... it plays up the word faith even more.
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