I found these ads for Ipanema sandals to be very eye catching to say the least. It's very cool how the tattoos become her clothing especially since these are not real. The tattoos are very believable and add this amazing edge to the whole layout. I also find the typeface that is used for the text to be a great choice as is mimics the free flow design of the tattoos. While I suppose you can't go wrong with Gisele it's especially the focus of the ad being the beautiful tattooed body. As a viewer you almost forget what's being sold here... Sandals!!...that's right sandals...talk about an attention grabbing article.
wow!My first thought was definitely not,"I like her sandals." I thought Gisele had tattooed her whole body! It's so crazy what you can do with photoshop. I agree that the type choice fits the ad well. The idea of using a tattooed model for a cutting edge product is done well here.
wow my first thought was I hope that isnt real! I think its amazing how real you can make things look. I really like the detail put into the tatoos its amazing!
It is amazing how they can photoshop tattoos all over her body and make it look so realistic. It is also interesting how the typography resembles clothing. Also, the flatness of the tattoos really makes the sandals stand out.
At first glance I thought, this better not be real, big mistake. But then I read your post and found out that it wasn't real. I can't believe that they were able to do all o that with photoshop because it looks so real.
Oh I saw this a while ago in the Ads magazine. I thought this is so cool. Great example! I'm still trying to figure out if they put the tattoos on Gisel's body by hand (painted on) or if it was done digitally on the computer. If it's done on the computer... it looks very realistic. I think it's interesting how a company uses certain images to reflect their brand... and normally I would think..."why would you associate tattoos with a shoe company?" But actually .. it's a great approach for an ad because it's different... and people tend to remember different.
I agree that the main focus is not the sandals, despite the blue color that's used to emphasize them. I think what are more eye-catching are the countless tattoos on Gisele's body because most people are not accustomed to seeing someone covered completely in tattoos! I also like the beautiful floral patterns of the tattoos; the way they are combined makes them look like a Vera Bradley pattern (yes, it's a funny comparison but I believe it's true!). Despite its uniqueness, I think the company needs to draw more attention to the actual product in order for it to be a successful ad.
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