well, how unexpected can type on a toilet be. Honestly it's hard to really know how to comment on it. I guess the question might be can type on an item in which go to the bathroom on/in really be that bad?... I'll leave that up to you. But, going ahead and taking a closer look at the type. I kind of like the script text because it flows and it's not too uptight (it is a toilet you know, no need to be up tight). But it is a little professional. I mean this is a real company that needs to be professional and make money on the toilets they sell, so it's a good idea to keep it professional.
That's so funny! I would have never expected a script typeface to be used on a toilet. I would have thought a more industrial geometric typeface would be used. When I think of a script typeface, I think of classy & elegant (not of a toilet). But maybe that's what they were going for... a classy and elegant design. But the design of the toilet doesn't really match the design of the logo.
You would think that someone making a toilet would just slap any typeface on it. But they actually took some time and used a script type as well as san serif modern font. I like the contrast that the two types give off. It actually makes you look at the typography, not that you sit on a toilet backwards so you probably don't notice it too often! But for those that do, they get to enjoy the great typographic solution!
I love that you found this in a bathroom. You would. But your right, the makers of toilets have to have their name on there somewhere. I never really thought of toilets as being classy but that is the type of image that the logo portrays. I guess the curved lines of a toilet kind of fit with the script font, but still unexpected.
Ah.. ha ha! This is totally unexpected. I'm glad the company used just their name in script.. and not the rest of type. The script font makes the company stand out.. I'm sure there aren't too many other toilet companies that have as nice a font as they do.. well maybe KOHLER?? It's good that the company put their name in a fairly noticeable place and not somewhere else.. I mean the only way you would notice this thing is by flushing the toilet.
haha this is perfect i would have never thought to find this here! i love it, i really like the contrast of the fonts haha ill have to check it out sometime.
I like it too! I think the script font gives it a very classy look to it. I think your place you found type is very creative and unique.
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