Monday, March 24, 2008

Question, do I have something on my lip??

Well, let me just tell you how much this tattoo enhances his bottom lip! Now, to start off, I have a tattoo, and so I know how they can tend to be slightly painful, but, on your lip, that's gotta hurt like heck! And, you know he knew it too...after all he chose to get the word "PAIN" permanently placed he could remember I'm sure. Now, with all that said, I think it's still interesting. You have to stop and admire the talent. I mean, this is on a guys lip, which was more than likely quivering the entire time, yet the technique is still quite nice. The letters are basically all pretty straight. Overall, I don't like the tattoo, but I think he's a brave guy to get it done. He clearly likes PAIN.


skidmark said...

Oh my goodness. My initial response is to ask why? But after examining it is really quite interesting. The way the letters are executed, and you know that had to have been hard on both sides, the tattoo artist had to deal with slimy lips and the person having it done had to deal with having their lip dry out. My only pet peeve with this is the spacing between the P and the A, but I suppose being a graphic designer makes you get nit picky about stuff like that.

pollypocket said...

Just by looking at this guy's bottom lip, I can already get a sense of his personality, which is kind of cool. If you looked at my bottom lip, you would probably just be like, "Okaayy, why are you showing me this?" The tattoo just emphasizes the piercings he has on each side. I wish he would have chosen a bolder typeface, with thicker strokes. This typeface has extremely thin strokes and does not define the word PAIN very well.

MerBEAR said...

ouch that makes me hurt just looking at it. I think I would of gone with a harder more painful font. I like the use of the all caps because I think that drives the concept of paint

little cody. said...

ouchie. i think the best part about that tattoo is the choice they made to have it all caps. pain isnt something that is just there..pain is PAIN and they did a good job showing that.

I'd Rather Be Baking said...

I think its humorous how the tattoo says exactly what I think of when I see a tattoo on the inside of a lip(or anywhere really). The typography looks very hand written, which makes it more personal. Even though it looks hand written, it is still very legible, which makes it successful.

Georgia said...

Clearly this guy is insane. I mean in addition to having that tattoo on his lip her also has piercings in his lip as well. Gross. Yes, I would say that he likes pain. And yes, the technique is nice considering the circumstances.

Bethany said...

tacky and ugly. I guess the one thing I can say is that the tpe in it's simplicity just emphasizes the idea of pain as if the strokes were pain stakenly drawn.

Sarah Reed said...
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Sarah Reed said...

Owie owie ow. Well, "pain" fits so much better that "lovely", so I can give some credit to this tattoo designer for using a good word! It's interesting that the type appears to be stretched out and elongated-I wonder if this is intentional? Perhaps its to show the physical pain (from the pierced things that are stretching out his lip) that this guy is enduring constantly!