The body copy works well in this editorial spread. The decision not to justify the body copy, but leave a soft rag was very successful. Although, I feel like they could have tried to get an even softer rag. The large bold drop cap is a nice contrast to the very thin san serif typography used for the headline. The entire editorial spread has a nice sense of hierarchy. The W jumps out first, which leads your eye into the body copy. The large space at the top before the headline makes that second in the hierarchy. I am glad that they kept the spread simple, and did not over complicate it with multiple colors, but left it black and white with a touch of green.
I really enjoy spreads like this. Where simplicity is the key to its success. There's nothing flashy, but it gets directly to the point. It is easy to read, successful in hierarchy, nicely done!
I find the contrast in type very interesting. There's such a dramatic change from the ultra-thin san-serif (Helvetica) title to the bold, thick Egyptian drop letter that starts the article. I am actually drawn to the drop letter first because of its heavy weight, which seems wrong because I think the title should have more prominence. However, despite this issue, the body text works nicely with its two columns and simple layout.
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