I found this article in a magazine. I thought it was a very intresting way to handle the body type. I really like how they use imagary to give the effect that the car did a doughnut on the type. It makes the type illegable in spots but they arent really trying to get you to read that part its more for effect.
I'm not sure how I fell about this one. I get the concept and it is really playful and it definitely catches your attention, but it's interesting how even with the words and letters flying everywhere it feels a little stiff. It may just be in the scan of it and how it transfers over the computer but it seems really dense or just stiff. But you do notice the car and you notice who makes it so I guess that's the important part.
I think that having the car look as though it has just run through all of the body copy is a cool idea. It comes across very easily that the large whitespace in the text is from the car. Although, I do have to agree a bit with Bethany. It does appear stiff. Maybe it is because the action has already happened.
The concept is cool but it is illegible and a little confusing. It is interesting but it doesnt make me want to read it or hold my attention for that long.
I really love the concept going on here. This is such a good idea for body copy. Most of the time, people just think to manipulate the headline, but it's a nice change to see someone really play with the body copy. Catches your eye well.
oh so fun. I love the idea and the execution is nearly flawless. The legibility suffer, I imagine, but I love the concept so much, I don't even care.
Like everyone else said, this is a neat concept and the designer did a good job achieving this effect. I also agree that it's a little "stiff", and perhaps I feel this way because I think the letters should be spread out even more to emphasize the car's ability to wipe out everything in it's path. Maybe this would work better in an advertisement since I feel that the body type should be legible as much as possible because that is the point of body type!
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