Monday, March 31, 2008
Nice Body (copy) Rachel Ray

Use Greener Paper

I found this ad in a print magazine and I really liked it. I like how simple the ad is and how the focus is on the type. My favorite part about it is that the title and the body copy start before the paper that is being held up and end afterward. It is hard to se in the picture. But I think that having the type not constrained to the paper shape that is on the page which draws the viewer in and makes them want to read it.
Nascar Type

The designer has a plan, too...a clever one!

This editorial spread that I found in a magazine caught my eye quickly because of the clever layout. Although the body type isn't the strongest element in the layout, I still feel that it dynamically interacts with the title of the article and the author's name because of the way it takes the negative space of the black "O". To make the body type even stronger, I think it could have looked cool to have the type enclose the entire black "O" just like the black "O" is enclosing the title. I think this would be interesting because of the contrasting interaction going on with the ragged edges of the body type (imperfect) and the perfectly delineated line of the "O". In addition, I really enjoy the meaning behind the layout: containing the title plays off the idea of having a concept or plan. I also like how the author's name is tied into the name of the article by using the black "O" in his name to interact with the title. Overall, this designer has a good plan, too!
Welcome. Lets hang.

Friday, March 28, 2008
Seek and find an example in which type works well in the body copy of an editorial spread.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
"How" neat!

I recently purchased a type design magazine called "How", and this tattoo was featured on the front cover. I usually don't like some of the gruesome images that are used as tattoos, but I find this one surprisingly pleasing. I love the swirly linear forms that are found coming out of the black letters, despite the fact that they make the title less legible. The gradation of black into the swirls help make a smoother transition between the different elements. I also love the images (the bird, intertwining vines, rope and arrow) that interact with the letters, especially in the tight negative spaces. The unfinished pink outlines around the letters also create a little bit of depth, and I like how they don't draw too much attention. Apparently this is a real tattoo, despite the fact that it's weird that someone would want the name of a type magazine on their skin. Whoever has this tattoo is definitely a type aficionado!!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Alpha Omega


Ok. So here is my second go around. I got confused about what we were supposed to post. Anyways, I am a huge fan of Project Runway and I remember seeing the first episode of season 3 and noticing Jeffery's tattoo. I mean it is kind of hard not to considering is takes up his whole neck. It says his sons name and then something like "love of my life" I think. But I think that having the letters curve around the neck emphasizes it and draw attention to the tattoo. Also, because it is a more elegant type and thinner lines it does not make it appear to be one large blob of black.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
icky icky....
Monday, March 24, 2008
Have a little faith
Question, do I have something on my lip??

Well, let me just tell you how much this tattoo enhances his bottom lip! Now, to start off, I have a tattoo, and so I know how they can tend to be slightly painful, but, on your lip, that's gotta hurt like heck! And, you know he knew it too...after all he chose to get the word "PAIN" permanently placed there...so he could remember I'm sure. Now, with all that said, I think it's still interesting. You have to stop and admire the talent. I mean, this is on a guys lip, which was more than likely quivering the entire time, yet the technique is still quite nice. The letters are basically all pretty straight. Overall, I don't like the tattoo, but I think he's a brave guy to get it done. He clearly likes PAIN.

she is the prime example of why you should never get a tattoo with some guys name on it. if yall didnt know she had to get it removed and proceeded to get a tat. of where her children were born ( i guess to remind herself). to me, its important to get a tattoo with something simple and meaningful and i think she achieved this. im not a fan of the sleeve look or lots of color. type SHOULD be the main element because personally, i think its easier to draw a picture of a bird then to write BIRD in a funky or very refined typeface. but then again, i know nothing about tattoos.
got ink?
when i think about tattoos i could not think of mr.50cent. this is such a huge tattoo but so well done. the typeface is really interesting it has this quality of shading and relief. its a type of letter that i have definetly seen in hip hop culture world. there is a really nice arch this style of type is normally arched and a lot of embedment around it. there is somewhat of a baroque or old style to the typeface and its interesting how that has changed with the new Hip Hop culture. this is a really a cool tattoo.

Oh the permanence of being silly

Taking a font obsession too far?

Alright, so I couldn't decide which one I liked better.
First, off I like the phrase the person tattooed on the nape of neck. But what I hate is the spacing between the lines... I don't know if this person wanted the letters to connect on purpose or by accident? Either way, it looks funny. I also really like the barbed wire running across the bottom.. it makes the phrase stand out even more.
The second example is quite humorous because it shows they are "obsessed" with typography or just the univers font. I think the placement of this font on the leg is really appropriate... this tattoo deserves to be shown off. I don't like the spacing between the word "univers" and "gothic.." it's too far away. This example makes me wonder why the person chose the font "univers." What type of attachment did this person have to the font?
Tattoo Enhancement

Posh's Hebrew

fix the space

Sunday, March 23, 2008
Symbol Lady

More than just a cute girls' graphic tee!
I was shopping with my sister over spring break when I found a line of graphic t-shirts for girls at Old Navy with this clever use of typography! They had about five or six different designs, but all of them used the figure of a girl that was made up out of type. I love the variety of colors and type within the image, especially the capitalized and lowercase letters and filled-in negative spaces to emphasize contrast. The scale, baseline and angular positions of the type also create a believable figure of a human body, especially the lengthened type found in the girl's hair! I also think the horizontal line of text at the bottom gives the image stability. This line of Old Navy t-shirts for girls makes me appreciate designers and their work on t-shirts more than I did before!
Wednesday, March 19, 2008

I found this image and thought that it was really unique. I like how Bob Dylan's face is made up of type but that it is layered and has depth to it, which make the image appear more realistic. Also, I enjoy the variation of sizes and shades to help shape his face. The type is put together so well that from a distance you can't really tell that it is made up of letter forms but looks more like a drawing. I think that this piece has a lot of interest with all of the detail and keeps the viewer looking.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Type after Type
Before I would have taken type I just walked past signs in the mall and stores. Recently when I was in spain I walked past this store and it caught my eye with the combining of top and bottom line or text. The use of the ascender of the b connecting to the bottom of the a pulls the lines together and makes it work as a unit. It is given even more attention by changing the color to red right there too.

off the wall logo

TCU Dining logos mimic taste of food....??

So, ever since being in type, I've always disliked the logos for the TCU Dining Services and their food establishments. They have a very child-like style, and seem to be very cheaply done. Yet, they seem like they try to have a somewhat, "classy" feel to their establishments. Now while I feel like their places of dining are not "classy," they could at least try to mimic that feel they're attempting to go for, in their logos. The kerning is off in most of the logos. In the Frog Bytes logo, I've always hated and questioned what they were trying to achieve. They seem like they are trying to give a perspective to the blocks, but its just not working.
Up the Stairs
I'm invigorated by CREST!

So I typically brush my teeth every day, 3 times a day... and I hope you do too!
But I didn't really notice how nicely the word "vivid" and "white" connect. Vivid is thin stroked which really represents the meaning of that word. And white is thicker... which also really represents "white!" I've used this toothpaste a few times, but picked it up because I knew it worked well. I probably wouldn't have noticed the nice type, had I not taken TYPE 2. I also think the way the logo has a beam of light behind it adds a nice effect.. it's saying "pick me! I'll whiten your teeth." This tube of paste stands out from any other Crest toothpaste mainly because of it's cleanliness... it doesn't look busy like some of the other toothpaste packaging I've seen on the market.
Monday, March 17, 2008
I really like the hp logo because it is so simple. I think that being able to have a logo that is easy to read no matter what size allows it to be put almost anywhere. I would have never really noticed the ascenders and descenders had I not studied type, but they are extra long, which makes both letters look even more vertical. I like how the hp is within a circle and then in a square because it shows that with two simple, basic shapes you can make something that looks good. And I know that hp products always catch my eye when I see them in a store because of the modified type and simple, bold shapes and colors that they use.

i dont have faith in this design, thats for sure.

Good Band...terrible type
Clean Clever Clinique
Volkswagen's sense of perfection
Here's an object that I use daily as my means of transportation. Upon closer look today, however, I discovered there is more to this key than getting where I need to be: it also shows the beauty of Volkswagen's logo! No wonder it hasn't been changed for such a long time! I find the simple but balanced amount of color and shapes appealing, and I also get a sense of unity from the repeated circles that enclose the letters. I used to only see the white letters, but I now appreciate the negative space because it also has elements of symmetry. I also like the outlines of silver, which accents both the white and blue shapes. I'm not sure if I'm the only one who sees it, but I read the logo both as "VW" and "W", which creates a visually interesting look. I probably wouldn't have been impressed with this logo if not for typography, which really gave me a better understanding of how type can be arranged in quite an elegant way!
so fresh and so clean clean!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Seek and find an example of either noticeably good or noticeably poor type usage found in your day-to-day environment. Choose an example that you might have otherwise overlooked had you not studied typography.
A logo with my own name!
Here is a logo I quite often run into around construction sites in Austin; it always catches my attention because it uses my last name! It does appeal to me as well because of its interesting play on negative and positive letter-forms, as each letter cleverly switches from positive to negative values. Its some-what distorted oval shape also contains the letters nicely, balances the beginning and end of the name and contrasts the sharp angles of the Es. Overall it's a sophisticated logo in my opinion: it's perfect for a construction site that wants to be known as precise and legitimate.
fridge surprise

yo yo yo......speakers!!
Monday, March 3, 2008
Feel The Rhythm
When I was walking out of a classroom in Moudy S. I noticed the old school speakers. Then I saw the logo in the corner of them and it clicked with me that the top of the F resembles the sound waves that a speaker puts out. It was really interesting to see it because I was expecting something like the JLB brand speakers - helvetica and a little hidden, but instead this idea goes along with the speakers as oppose to being something just stuck on the object. Although it's very subtle, it's actually a nice detail. With something being so flashy in the middle of a black plain, I think it needs to be something more significant than just a helvetica plaque on it.
OOOOverlapping O's

I was looking around at different things, and I noticed a "dark spot" on the bottom left corner of a thermostat. I went in for a closer look and was surprised to see this logo. So many times, the logos for different fixtures like this are just plain logos, nothing fancy. But, this was aligned and had a design to it. I really enjoy the repetition of the letter "o" in the two words. Its reminiscent of the idea of changing controls, which a thermostat does. The temperature gets changed up and down, and this design mimics that idea. I thought it was done well.

well, how unexpected can type on a toilet be. Honestly it's hard to really know how to comment on it. I guess the question might be can type on an item in which go to the bathroom on/in really be that bad?... I'll leave that up to you. But, going ahead and taking a closer look at the type. I kind of like the script text because it flows and it's not too uptight (it is a toilet you know, no need to be up tight). But it is a little professional. I mean this is a real company that needs to be professional and make money on the toilets they sell, so it's a good idea to keep it professional.
Lotion Anyone?

I love this brand because of the packaging and type. Each bottle has a different title or word on it and all of the copy following relates to it. The copy is either the definition or a story, but I think that it is a really unique way to draw the costumer into a product. I like how simple the type is and it doesn't have to fight with the copy even though there is a lot of it. Overall the bottle has a simplistic feel and but the design pulls in the viewer to take a closer look.

mary kay has good type..SHOCKING!

Not a "THANK YOU" bag

I went to the Michael Buble concert and purchased a T-shirt from there. I was very surprised that the bag wasn't plain and white with the bold red type "Thank You" repeating across it. When I go to concerts, I usually get something and it usually doesn't come in this nice of a bag. I like the fact that the bag is a souvenir in itself. It's nice that the designer used a nice metallic blue to match all of the other collateral that is out there for Michael Buble. This bag is obviously trying ti entice people to visit Michael's fan web site.... I think it definitely achieves that.. I would visit the site, but that's just me. I also like the fact that the designer didn't just put the words "meet me at Bungalo B" and that there is Michael's logo on the bag.... nice touch. Lte's just say it's no ordinary bag and I'm keeping it as opposed to stashing it away in my closet with the other bag rejects.
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