I won't lie, i love these books. But since before i was even a graphic design major this cover has driven me CRAZY! The type reminds me a lot of crulz which i usually dont like at all. i know that it is supposed to be fun and aimed at teenagers but that doesnt mean you have to use a font like this. I think they colors and type are just overkill of trying to make this book look young and hip. I do not like the way the layout is, i dont think they type and the imagery work well together they seem to be different units. I think they could have pushed this farther and made it look young and "fresh" rather than this.
The first thing I wanted to do was to thank the author for making such a beautiful blog! No one could have done it better! Thank you very much for the pictures which are on the page. They are splendid! I will surely add your blog to my links and will always visit the web page you’ve created!
Lolz @ this comment^^^.
Also, the only way that book cover could be more hideous is if comic sans and papyrus had been used.
I know the designer was aiming for a look that would appeal to young adults, but it resulted in a more childish look that makes the overall book cover look cheezy! I really don't like when designers use shifted baselines for no real reason at all...yuck. It's such a meaningless solution that designers use when they don't have any other ideas! If a friend hadn't recommended this book to me, I would not pick this book up for its unappealing typography treatment.
The typography is really cheesy and childish. Which, if it were done properly, could be ok since it is a childish book. The positioning of the typography is very predictable too. If they had brought the title in closer to the pants, it may have worked better.
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