So my roommate got this movie and brought it home the other day and I was so intrigued by the type on the title. I thought that is was a really unique idea to have the dvd cover be able to be flipped upside down. But what really got me is that the type of the title can be flipped as well. It reads the same both ways without having to be repeated. I kept staring at the dvd cover for about 10 minutes trying to figure out if that was really happening and looking at all of the letters to see how they made them able to be read both ways. I think that having the type only used once in the middle and allowing it to be able to be flipped along with the cover help to tie this dvd cover together and make it a really interesting piece to look at.
haha! we both posted similar pieces, it goes to show you that type that can be read right-side-up and upside down is SO COOL!
this is a such a fun type and has a really conssitent look to the piece. really adds to that fairy tale look the piece has and makes it interesting. it was an interesting aproach instead of having a classic old school typeface.
AS YOU WISH!!!!...I love this movie to begin with...but it is such an amazing type treatment, that I want to watch it again, but upside-down.
At first glance, I thought the type treatment was obnoxious and that the designer just wanted to be "creative" with such a unique typeface. However, now that I've looked at it for a while, I see the neat reflection and can't stop looking at it! This, like Polly's example, really shows that typography has so many intriguing possibilities, and it's such a beautiful and fascinating form of art!
This is an amazing dvd cover. Its the kind of thing you wouldn't expect to see on a dvd necessarily, but more of on a poster. But i think it was a good idea to put it on a dvd case because you can actually hold the dvd in your hand and flip it back and forth to see both sides of it.
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