I really like the different sections of type they used in this. I also really like the rag on the left hand side it is something you dont see often and i think it works well for this layout. It looks classy and interesting by using the positive negative effect with the type and the different columns, and also helps to give there illusion that there isnt as much copy to read.
Unlike the post before it, this layout works well for the opposite reason. Even though the design it is split up with harsh solid blocks of color it still works as a unit. I wonder if the white column with text is supposed to stand out the way it does. Because if it is just a continuation of the text on the first page, then it is too high in the hierarchy.
nice imagery and layout as it creates this feel of looking in an old album. matches the tone of the movie and creates an intimate scene as well. I would kind of like the really starch white brought down a bit as it really is almost screaming right now.
the best part about this layout is the positive negative aspect in the body copy. it gives a good contrast to the article and gives the layout depth and dimension.
I think that is layout works because of all of the different shapes that are created. They get the reader interested and then keep them engaged. But I agree with Polly that if the white block is not a new block of copy, then it stands out too much.
This layout does have a lot of contrast. But I do not think that having the white stripe on the right page is very successful. I think that the layout would have been just as successful if they had left the entire thing black.
I love the background treatment of this article; the gradient from the brown to black works very nicely and helps move your eye from the pictures and heading to the body type. I agree with Bethany that the white should be toned down a bit (maybe even changed to the same background on the left and right of it?) because my eyes go straight to that before anything else. Also, the rag on some of the ending paragraphs looks a little distracting, so maybe the whole article would look better in justified type to make the shape of the columns.
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