Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Interpretive Type.

I have always loved that Chick-fil-a's C makes a chicken.  It is precise and shows you exactly what they are all about, Chicken! It draws your attention and is very recognizable.  It stands out for the right reasons among its competitors. 


I'd Rather Be Baking said...

I too have always liked how they make the C look like a chicken. It makes the logo not too serious, but adds a sense of fun. It kind of reminds me of the Fort Worth Zoo logo. They both share the same idea of turning type into an animal form, something I don't think I would have ever though of.

Craig J. said...

I enjoy the C made to like like the head of a chicken. Its very creative and like kazoo said "fun." It in a sense sets the mood for the type of restaurant it is. Its saying that its a friendly, laid back environment. It's so cool how the design of a company name, can completely set the mood for what the atmosphere is of the place. Very neat idea!

pollypocket said...

I like their logo as well. Sometimes though, I feel like the beak is too separated from the C, and my eyes do this weird optical illusion where I leave out the beak and see a beakless chicken.... it's kind of scary!

Bethany said...

while subtle touches to type are always appreciate, sometimes I enjoy fun stuff like this. why can't type be fun and kind of commical?
it is good that they don't elaborate on the "c" in the actual word but rather create a logo with the single "c." If they had tried to force it into the word it would have been too much and harmed the readability of it.

LmBaptista said...

i do not like the chicken fillet restaurant logo...everytime i look at it i get the idea of the chicken and all and i enjoy the simplicity to portray imagery but the curls of the body or head of the chicken remind me of the @ sign which to me is confusing and specially in an era where we are used to see those in internet coffee places.

MerBEAR said...

I cant believe I didnt think of this one I am obsessed with chickflia. Now that I look at it, it is very effective and is intergrated well and is recognizable.

Unknown said...

I think that the Chick-fil-a Logo is not a very effective use of type as a graphic. It's too much to be representational, and it is more on the side of the actual picture.

Georgia said...

I love chick-fil-a! I don't know how anyone couldn't. I think that their logo works so well because there is just a beak and eye and some little feather things and you get the image of a chicken. I love how simple it is .

anits said...

I actually did think about taking a pic of this one myself. This is a perfect example of interpretive typography. I liked how they turned the "C" into a chicken head... so where ever you go in the U.S. this logo will be highly identifiable. I agree with chirpjerp that the logo sets the mood for the type of restaurant it is... but when I think of the color red in a sign I think of fast and unhealthy food... oh well.