I think this signage is not very subtle, and rightfully so. The guitar substituting for the 'G' is legible because there aren't any other suitable letters to fill the void. I think there could be a more representational presentation instead of a full guitar outline; however, as previously stated, I believe the sign is made to attract those who tend to be less subtle, and more like rock stars.
i think its cool how easily the name is read...you just KNOW that the guitar is supposed to be a G and you dont have to think about it. but i do agree that simplifying it up a bit would be a good direction especially the store is made for people who know music and play instruments so they should be able to easily understand a less obvious approach.
I agree, whenever I see this sign, I never really think about the G being a guitar. And I think that is due to the way they positioned the guitar and how they incorporated it and made it work as one unit with the type. I also agree that yes, it is a bit over done and does not need to be so obviously a guitar.
Even though I agree that this logo is legible, for some reason I strongly dislike it. I think that the guitar is too overpowering and there are almost no manipulations made to it, in order for it to pass as a G of the same typeface as the rest of logo.
Choosing to put the guitar at the top left of the image and having it dominate the text makes this sign work. You immediately see the guitar and the assume what the "uitar" is.
The fact that the are both red brings unison to the sign and makes it creative as well as highly legible.
I think that if I was trying to find a "guitar store" and drove past this one, i would notice it, probably understand it and go to it. having said that, as a designer I'm not that big of a fan of the design. It doesn't seem thought through that much and more like a thrown together glob. But it does serve it's purpose. It fits it's clientel for the most part and since "g" can't be replace with another letter to create a different word that works in its favor since it still does not stand out as a "g".
It would be interesting to see where this design could go with more thought.
i honestly never realized this about the guitar vcenter, but this is a good example how the image does not overwhlem the type and the person reads the words according to the image...it guides to read it, pretty sweet. also colours are the same , well integrated, flows well due to the consistency
I agree with everyone. The shape of the guitar represents a "G" and without even really having to look that much like the letter "G." If the guitar didn't work so well in the sign though I don't know if I would be able to tell that it was supposed to be a "g" just by itself.
okay honestly, i have mixed feelings about this logo. while yes, i see the guitar first and automatically realize that it's guitar center, i still think it is highly illegible. even though i know it's suppose to represent a G i still have a tough time seeing it. i suppose for interpretive type it's good, it almost like interpretive dance, you don't always understand what's going on, but in the end you get the point... no?
i actually like this logo a lot, although it think it is pushed way to hard to make it a G. It is a little illegible and i think they could have pushed the concept a lot further.
i would also have to agree with simplifying the guitar to make a less in your face G of the logo. maybe they could have just used part of the guitar so it wasnt so obvious. because of this i tend to see "uitar" so it is not completely legible.
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