The decision to have the background of the sign as white on the red brick building make the sign pop off the wall and immediately grabs the viewers attention. Using a san serif type increases the legibility of the sign. The piece has a strong sense of hierarchy with "Back in Action" the most dominant due to scale, color shifts in the two ( i ), and the illustrative i as a spine. Using the ( i ) as a spine is an effective way of visually conveying the company's goals. Having the dot in the ( i above the spine) as red draws the viewer in and pushes it forward in the hierarchy. It was also a good decision to make the second( i ) in the title have a red dot. It balances out the title and shows relation between the words and the central theme of "getting back in action". In conclusion I find this to be a highly effective example of interpretative type in commercial signage.
I agree that this is an appropriate design for a place that specializes in back recovery. The blue parentheses adds a dynamic quality to the logo, which definitely emphasizes the company's confidence in solving patients' back problems. I am also drawn to the color combination, especially since the designers of the logo incorporated the actual color of the building. The combination of scale and use of both small caps, caps and lowercase letters also creates nice contrast. The substitution of the spine in the middle "i" (which also helps get the company's message across) is a nice addition which draws your eye into the logo.
i simply dont understand it ... my first reaction to it is something connected to cell phones cus of the lines above the I or something to do with internet.
I don't understand it really either. I though it was for cells phones as well, but after the explanation I think it still has some work to do but the idea comes across only with an explanation.
Okay honestly when I first saw this.. I thought it was for computer or internet store. So I definitely agree with theportuguian. The sign's colors don't really correspond with "sprinal health." They should work on their color usage. But the typeface is nice... I like the lowercase variation.
i dont think this sign is very effective. the colors are all wrong... and i agree. the i looks like an antenna making it look like something to do with electronics.
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