I've always admired Chili's logo. I think it very recognizable. Using the red chili pepper as the apostrophe is subtle, yet effective. It doesn't distract from the rest of the word. However, one thing that has always puzzled me is the leg of the "h" curving down and around to connect to and form the "l." Almost every time I see this logo, I try to figure out what the significance of it is, thinking maybe it will just hit me one day. But, it has not. I've thought that maybe its supposed to mimic and be an abstract shape of a chili. But that just doesn't seem right. Does anyone have any input on this?
chirpjerp, you were a little late posting this! By the way, I agree with you about the weird ligature formed by the "h" and "l".
now that i think about it, it is kind of odd and doesnt really make sense..but maybe it is suppose to represent chili's character, its laid back style....kinda "goes with the flow"..if you will.
I never really thought about it myself, but it is strange that this ligature uses two letters that are not right next to each other. I can't see the letters forming a chili, so perhaps the purpose of the ligature is just for visual appeal? The typeface itself is very curvy and organic, and the ligature could emphasize that. Like Cory said, it could also show Chili's "fun" and "relaxed" atmosphere. I definitely think the use of an actual chili in the apostrophe is purposeful and visually pleasing as well; it points to the actual word instead of distracting the viewer.
I think we have a case here of a designer taking advantage at the opportunity to create a ligature, but neglecting all reasoning whatsoever.
it works though.
I find the ligature of the "h" and "l" to work very effectively. It counters the strong verticality of "hili" and the compression of "ili" by bringing action below the baseline. It brings variation and further exemplifies the rounded forms of the letters.
I think they were trying to create a cohesive and united logo by making the ligature, even though it is very strange and does not make much sense. When I try to relate the ligature with the chili image it doesn't work at all! I'm not sure what their reasoning is behind this, except to try and unite the word "Chili's"
hmm im not really a big fan of the chili logo, kinda get the idea of the letter and the ligature but i think their best feature is that the letters are very round and full, almost like chubby like. i think that represents more of the pepper...but i would like to have seen more of the food aspect on the letters or the pepper integrated as type..
this one is interesting. I like the chili as the apostrophy but as you pointed out the connecting of the 'h' and the 'l' is questionable. I don't really see the purpose behind it, but at the same time for all the time i have seen this logo, it's never stood out as being awkward, or really bothered me. so i don't think it horrible, i just think it questionable.
I agree I think the ligature used is weird I hadn't noticed it till now. I do like the usuage of the pepper it very suttle yet works well.
i agree i've never really understood the point of connecting the two... maybe they wanted it to just look like a whole unit and try to go with the shape of a circle. or they could have wanted your eye to flow under and then end with the chili, showing their fun quality
i never noticed the strange ligature either, i do like the chili as an apostrophe though. i also really enjoy the colors, they are very recognizable and i know its chili's from miles away so that in its self makes it successful to me.
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