So I was driving around looking for examples of interpretive type and then I saw Hooters. I creepily walked up to the window to take this picture...needless to say the people at the table thought I was a freak. I think that this example is effective because it is a unique approach to pulling together the name and the atmosphere of the restaurant. I love the double meaning that it has and that if you just see the sign without the bird...you still can see that its birds eyes, you still know what it means. It is definantly a less obvious approach, but I think it still works. The eyes are the O's for Hooters representing the name, but still representing why a lot of guys love that place.
The "double meaning" as aforementioned in your post, is very prevalent even with the bird behind the sign. Concentric circles are effective in portraying the anatomy that Hooters is known for proudly displaying. It is an effective use of type, however, it does not make me comfortable, visiting this "Breastaurant".
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